
Here, gathered in our beloved South Dakota, are a few members of our Williamson / Mattson Clan. Charles and Luella are to be blamed (be kind, they didn't know what they were doing). We're generally a happy bunch and somewhat intelligent (notwithstanding our tenuous grasp on reality). I'm also proud to say that most of us still have our teeth.

Sunday, April 4, 2010

A Happy Easter to All.

A Prayer for Your Travels through Life.

From the Fortress of Solitude
Pleasant Grove

I want to wish all of you a Happy Easter in the knowledge of Christ risen.
We are a family of many faiths. Our faith enriches our lives today as it did for our ancestors.

Researching family history gives us a better understanding of who we are and where we came from. One character trait stands out over all in the history of our ancestors, a strong Christian faith. Although I've not posted all the stories and remembrances I've found relating to their faith, that one fact is paramount in much of what I've read. Today is a good day to remember that.

Our ancestors will live forever as long as they are remembered. This blog is as much a gift to them as to all of you.
Happy Easter.

Simply ,